Mistral-IdM is a project whose aim is to provide an open source identity management system, with advanced authentication and authorization abilities, based on standards (SAML, XACML, XKMS), providing a user-friendly administration console.
We currently have implemented a beta version in order to protect resources in applications servers, providing access control through defined policies.
Major Features in current version are:
- Interoperability
- Interoperability with other identity managemente solutions (e.g. Shibboleth) making use of SAML 2.0 support.
- Integration with certification and validation service.
- User-friendly management
- API for user and roles management in LDAP and eXist-DB.
- Web editor of access control policies.
- Privacy
- End-user privacy making use of pseudonymous
- Definition of Attribute Release Policies by the end-users.
- Functionality
- Signed communications between providers.
- Strong authentication support based on certificates.
- APIs for extending providers functionality.
- Separated funcionalities. Different providers have been defined: Service Provider, Identity Provider, Attribute Provider and Authorization Provider.
- Others
- OS Independent, written in an interpreted language (Java).
- Simplified installation process for testing and evaluating components.
- Preparing your computer: Install and configure Mistral-IdM dependences.
- Install Mistral: Install necessary files on your computer to start testing Mistral.
- Configure Mistral: Configure Mistral-IdM component and protect your resources.