Install Mistral-IdM

This is an installation guide which provides instructions on how to install Mistral-IdM software on your computer.


To work with Mistral you need to have the following elements:

You can follow this guide which help you to install the dependencies correctly

Performing the installation

To install Mistral-IdM, download the binaries package ( and unpack it, or install directly making use of installation packs:
MISTRAL-IdM-[version]-WindowsSetup.exe for Windows OS, or MISTRAL-IdM_[version]-Linux-x86-Install for Linux OS.
These packages include:

The steps you need to follow to complete the installation are:

  1. Installation process asks you for the mistral admin password. You will need it when you like accesing to Mistral Admin Console. If it is succesfully executed, you will have the file mistral.war on the specified installation folder. You need deploy this file on your application server (for instance copying it to %TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/). If you have not got any JDK on your computer, the .war file cannot be generated, but you can deploy the '/mistral/' folder instead, which is on the specified installation folder.
  2. Copy '/libs/endorsed/*' to endored libraries folder on your application server. For instance %TOMCAT_HOME/common/endorsed/ on tomcat5 or %TOMCAT_HOME/libs/ on tomcat6.
  3. In order to protect a resource with Mistral-IdM, copy all files contained in '/libs/' folder to the libraries folder of your application server (For instance %TOMCAT_HOME/server/lib/ on tomcat5 or %TOMCAT_HOME/libs/ on tomcat6.). You can also copy these libraries directly in the web application libraries folder. More details in 'Protecting a resource with Mistral-IdM' section. (For more info see how to protect a resource)
  4. Edit '/config/mistral_config.xml' and set the correct parameters (see Configure Mistral-IdM section).